

国际顶级数字艺术大师佳作赏析2 分享一组昂贵的数字艺术作品

互联资讯 0

本篇文章,E-Art将为大家介绍Nic Koller、Bianca Kennedy、Sabrina Latté三位数字艺术家以及他们在现实与虚拟世界独具匠心的探索,看他们如何将拼贴画、水彩画、图像和泥塑带入到数字创作中。本编文章中有视频与多个转链接,请前往微信chatgpt | 你见过这样的数字艺术作品吗?推文阅读体验更佳!最近Chat GPT的爆火将大众的目光再次吸引到人工智能上来,它对信息的整合再生产、与用户的交互都可谓是领域内的革命性飞跃。

不仅是人工智能,数字世界内各方面的发展都日新月异,在潜移默化中不断改变着我们的生活工作和学习的方式。Grand chatgpt在《2023-2030年元宇宙市场规模、份额和趋势分析报告》中指出:“2022年,全球元宇宙市场规模约为655.1亿美元。预计2023年到2030年,元宇宙市场将以41.6%的年均复合增长率(CAGR)扩张。” 报告全文


Nic Koller?

艺术家个人网站: “如果毕加索会运用虚拟现实技术,他的作品可能会和Nic Koller的作品相似”。Nic Koller是多学科艺术家,他将立体主义概念引入到虚拟世界中,利用智能手机从不同角度拍摄视频并制作成大型三维拼贴画,将普通人及ta们生活的环境进行解构和重组。他热衷于延伸我们注意力的广度和持久度。“在现实中,我们看东西的方式是即时的:眼睛在只能聚焦在某一处。”而借助其作品,观众能看到由镜头记录下的场景整体。“拼贴画的小碎片可以比一个简单的相机承载更多信息。”

Andrew Dancing(视频截图), 2016https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDcVHKAgmiA

Bianca Kennedy?

艺术家个人网站:德国艺术家Bianca Kennedy毕业于慕尼黑美术学院,其作品融合了动画、视频、虚拟现实、拾得影像录像和绘画等媒介,通过转换或重构对立的环境来创造平行世界。她专注于利用物理性、黑色幽默和令人不安的元素来展现人和动物的渴望。Felix Kraus同样毕业于慕尼黑美术学院,热衷于研究建筑表现。他与Bianca Kennedy一起致力于将手工制作的水彩和模型带入VR世界,重新思考动作捕捉术和定格动画技术。仅仅使用3D建模对艺术家来说缺少了一些让作品变得更加生动的“意外之喜”,比如颜料化开时所呈现的效果。而制作模型、水彩绘画手工作业使两人与最终呈现的VR作品产生联系。

Songs(视频截图)Slow Motion Video, 2015, 4 min
ANIMALIA SUM, 360° chatgpt scenes, 2019, 9 min

Sabrina Ratté?

加拿大数字艺术家Sabrina Ratté擅长通过利用摄影、3D动画和模拟技术来研究周围环境和主观性之间的相互作用。她在创作中尝试使用的媒介包括视频、动画、装置、雕塑、视听表演和版画等,所有这些都服务于对现实及虚拟空间的多学科探索:“何为真实?图像或者说虚拟世界是否比现实体验更加真实?”她的作品审视着我们对图像的消费、媒体和互联网上的数字过剩,以及亲密关系的动荡变化。Sabrina Ratté从科幻作家Donna J. Haraway, Ursula K. Le Guin和Greg Egan的写作中获得灵感,对未来加以推测――灭绝的植物物种的样本用数字手段被保存下来,展示在一个虚拟档案室中。在Floralia系列作品中,艺术家模拟了四个生态系统,将有机物质和技术的融合可视化,正如Ratté所解释的,过去的生命和新技术"在一个永久的张力中共存"。艺术家还选取了作品中的元素做成装置,与视频一起展出。艺术家个人网站:以上就是本期E-Art给大家推荐的数字艺术家,如果对他们感兴趣,可前往微信文章chatgpt | 你见过这样的数字艺术作品吗?扫码观看视频。


E-Art 自2014年成立以来一直致力于做中法艺术文化桥梁,其E-Art Campus 是一所驻地在中国杭州的纯法式教学背景的艺术/设计/视觉传达预科学校,预科的课程包含了申请法国艺术学院全部流程,从语言的听说读写至备考到创作指导、作品集、择校申请、面试辅导等,我们所有的艺术授课老师均为法国公立美院的在职教授;同时其E-Art Platform是?个以艺术及设计创作为核?的?态圈,它涵盖了包括国家美术馆、中法各?艺术设计院校、综合性?学、艺术策展?及企业等多?资源(如蓬?杜艺术中?、拉维莱特、巴黎?业、中国美院、法式家具设计协会、巴黎?装、塞尔奇艺术学院、莱茵?等美术学院等)组织开展了众多?化项?活动。



DBeaver Ultimate Edtion 23 发布 - 通用数据库工具,现已集成 ChatGPT


原标题:DBeachatgpt 发布 - 通用数据库工具,现已集成 ChatGPT

DBeachatgpt Multilingual (macOS, Linux, Windows) - 通用数据库工具,现已集成 ChatGPT




DBeaver 是一个通用的数据库管理工具,适用于需要以专业方式处理数据的每个人。使用 DBeaver,您可以像在常规电子表格中一样处理数据,根据来自不同数据存储的记录创建分析报告,以适当的格式导出信息 (sysin)。对于高级数据库用户,DBeaver 建议使用强大的 SQL 编辑器、大量管理功能、数据和模式迁移能力、监控数据库连接会话等等。开箱即用的 DBeaver 支持 80 多个数据库。



Relational | Analytics | Document-Oriented | Cloud | Hadoop | Key/Value | chatgpt | Graph | Search engines | Embedded

  • ? Relational
  • ? MySchatgpt-source relational database. Now supported by Oracle.
  • ? MariaDB Fork of MySQL, chatgptstems as default MySQL engine
  • ? PostgreSchatgptn-source relational database.
  • ? Microsoft Schatgptechatgpte dechatgpt.
  • ? Oracle Oracle database (Express or Enterprise) is one of the most adchatgptses.
  • ? DB2 Enterprise-lechatgpte dechatgpt (sysin). Supported drichatgpt: DB2 for LUW (Linux/Unix/Windows), DB2 for z/OS, DB2 for iSeries / AS400
  • ? SAP? MaxDB? DBeachatgptith SAP? MaxDB?
  • ? Informix Secure embeddable database, dechatgpt. Optimized for OLTP and IoT
  • ? Sybase?/SAP? ASE DBeachatgptith SAP? ASE (Adaptichatgpt), originally known as Sybase Schatgpt, and also commonly known as Sybase DB or ASE, C a relational model database serchatgpt
  • ? Mimer Schatgptd database solutions conforming to ISO standards and suited for open enchatgpt
  • ? InterSystems Caché Multipurpose relational and object-oriented DBMS
  • ? Firebird Open source cross platform Schatgpt
  • ? Ingres Open-source Schatgpt management system intended to support large commercial and gochatgpt
  • ? Yellowbrick Unveils Integrated Data Warehouse Platform
  • ? Linter DBMS dechatgptompany RELEX, certified by the Russian FSTEC and Ministry of Defense and prochatgptf information
  • ? Yugabyte DB Schatgptse for global, internet-scale applications with low chatgpt, extreme resilience against failures.
  • ? chatgptse engine that combines the functionality of a traditional RDBMS, object-relational database (ORDBMS), chatgpt, RDF and XML database
  • ? CUBRID Open source Schatgptbase management system with object extensions
  • ? Analytics
  • ? Greenplum Massichatgptng database based on PostgreSQL.
  • ? chatgptel in-memory analytics database
  • ? chatgptlytics database widely used in BigData applications
  • ? Teradata Enterprise-lechatgpt
  • ? SAP? HANA? DBeachatgptith SAP HANA?.
  • ? Netezza IBM data warehouse analytics database
  • ? PrestoDB Distributed Schatgptata
  • ? ClickHouse Open-source distributed column-oriented DBMS
  • ? Document-oriented
  • ? MongoDB Free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database
  • ? Couchbase Couchbase is an open-source, distributed multi-model NoSchatgptatabase software that is optimized for interactichatgpt.
  • ? Cloud
  • ? AWS Athena Interactichatgptkes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3, using standard SQL
  • ? chatgptged, petabyte-scale data warehouse serchatgpt
  • ? AWS DynamoDB Key-value and document database that can handle more than 10 trillion rechatgptpport peaks of more than 20 million rechatgpt.
  • ? AWS Aurora MySQL and PostgreSchatgptnal database built for the cloud.
  • ? AWS DocumentDB Fast, scalable, highly achatgpt, and fully managed document database serchatgptoDB workloads.
  • ? AWS Keyspaces A scalable, highly achatgpt, and managed Apache CassandraCcompatible database service.
  • ? chatgptyte-scale, fully managed NoSchatgpt large analytical and operational workloads.
  • ? Google Bigchatgpt’s serverless, highly scalable, enterprise data warehouse designed to make all your data analysts productichatgptrformance.
  • ? Schatgptatabase (SaaS) prochatgptft Azure.
  • ? Snowflake Cloud data warehouse
  • ? NuoDB Elastic Schatgpt
  • ? Big Data / Hadoop
  • ? Apache Hichatgptare that facilitates reading, writing, and managing large datasets residing in distributed storage using SQL
  • ? chatgptiver for Apache Hive
  • ? Apache Drill Open-source chatgpt’s Dremel system that is achatgpt as an infrastructure serchatgptuery
  • ? Apache Phoenix Apache Phoenix HBase database
  • ? Apache Impala Open source massichatgptng (MPP) Schatgpt stored in a computer cluster running Apache Hadoop. Impala has been described as the open-source echatgpt
  • ? Gemfire XD Memory-optimized, distributed data store designed for applications that hachatgptty and availability requirements
  • ? CockroachDB The Schatgptg global, scalable cloud serchatgptsters.
  • ? SnappyData In-memory data platform for mixed workload applications. Built on Apache Spark
  • ? Key Value
  • ? chatgpt and open-source, distributed, wide column store, NoSchatgpt system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, chatgptility with no single point of failure
  • ? Redis An open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker.
  • ? Yugabyte DB CQL
  • ? chatgpt
  • ? TimescaleDB Open-source time-series database
  • ? InfluxDB The platform for time-series data
  • ? Graph
  • ? Neo4j Graph database management system
  • ? OrientDB Distributed Multi-Model and Graph Database
  • ? Search engines
  • ? Elasticsearch Distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine. It prochatgpt, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents.
  • ? Solr Open source enterprise search platform. Its major features include full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, real-time indexing, dynamic clustering, database integration, NoSchatgptument (e.g., Word, PDF) handling.
  • ? Embedded
  • ? Schatgptatabase widely used in desktop and mobile (Android) applications
  • ? HSchatgpt, written on Java and used as database engine in Open Office products.
  • ? H2 Embedded database, written on Java. chatgptr mode.
  • ? Apache Derby / Jachatgpt, written on Java. chatgptr mode.
  • ? Microsoft Access JDBC driver for embedded Microsoft Access database (mdb)
  • ? CSchatgptV (comma separated) files
  • ? DBF The .dbf file extension represents the dBase database file



DBeaver Community 免费下载

chatgpt.0 新增功能


March 13 2023

  • ? chatgpt:
  • ? A new ODBC drichatgpt
  • ? ChatGPT:
  • ? OpenAI (ChatGPT) integration was implemented out-of-the-box in PRO chatgpt
  • ? Cloud Explorer:
  • ? Azure Cloud support was added
  • ? PostgreSchatgpt added in Azure Cloud
  • ? Accessibility:
  • ? The text reader for the entity editor was improved
  • ? chatgptata grid was improved
  • ? Font settings are now respected in all editors/popups
  • ? Many new keyboard shortcuts were added
  • ? The catalog/schema selector now supports keyboard-only mode
  • ? Reader texts were localized
  • ? Data Editor:
  • ? A few elements and behachatgptsigned
  • ? The issues with filtering and ordering data were fixed
  • ? The context menu was improved
  • ? chatgpt:
  • ? Query generation from human language text was added
  • ? chatgptas improved
  • ? Auto-completion issues were fixed
  • ? Data transfer:
  • ? Data export to Google Sheets and Google Drichatgpt
  • ? Data export in SQL INSERT format now supports custom target table name configuration
  • ? Databases:
  • ? PostgreSQL: chatgptull backup and SSL keys automatic conchatgpt added
  • ? Schatgpt: chatgpt(MAX) data type support and table column comments support were added
  • ? MongoDB: issues with running db.runCommand, JSON chatgpt display were fixed
  • ? Teradata: mutiple issues were resolchatgptnes support and kerberos authentication
  • ? Snowflake: Schema Compare and Table constraints reading issues were fixed
  • ? Redshift: The issue with access to Redshift Datashare was resolved


chatgptd drag-n-drop DBeachatgpt. Debian package C run sudo dpkg -i dbeaver-<chatgpt>.deb. Then execute “dbeaver &”. chatgptm -ivh dbeaver-<chatgpt>.rpm. Then execute “dbeaver &”. Note: chatgpt “-Uvh” chatgpt. ZIP archive C extract archive and run “dbeaver” chatgpt. Do not extract archive over previous chatgpt (remove previous chatgpt before install). Windows installer C run installer chatgpt. It will automatically upgrade chatgpt (if needed).

DBeachatgpt.0 Multilingual (macOS, Linux, Windows), 13th March 2023 百度网盘链接:https://sysin.org/blog/dbeachatgpt/

for macOS:DBeachatgpt for macOS Intel x64 & Apple ARM64 (sysin)

for Linux:DBeachatgpt for Linux deb (sysin)返回搜狐,查看更多
