

ChatGPT & AI Out There To Make Your Life Easier!

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2023年11月20日 每日一猜答案: 答案:ABC

By: Student Pocket Guide

Artificial Intelligence means computers or machines using human creati【【微信】】ng skills to improve human life. Due to the emerging need and competition in this market, almost e【【微信】】loped its own AI systems, such as Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana. We’re sure you’【【微信】】ou are even a little aware of computer terms.

AI is one of the most staggering in【【微信】】er made. It is re【【微信】】e live, think, and work. Its applications are so 【【微信】】n almost any field, be it in healthcare, transportation, engineering, education, or e【【微信】】.

It offers so many inno【【微信】】, cost-saving, 【【微信】】ts that you’ll be dumbfounded by the brilliance of this thing which isn’t e【【微信】】!

With the emerging competition in this sector, there are so many uni【【微信】】 from that it can get a little confusing. But worry not since we are here to help you select the best AI tools that are specific to your needs! So, be ready to be blown away by this confounding in【【微信】】.

Yes, you must have heard about this one. It’s all the rage these days.

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot launched by OpenAI in America. It answers all your questions in a clear, understandable way. Its current applications are so 【【微信】】he human workforce redundant in the future.?

ChatGPT offers you all sorts of tools and activities if you plan to start a business. It will gi【【微信】】es pitches that are entirely characterised by your needs and offer you all sorts of marketing strategies that align with your plan. It can also check your programming code, proofread it, and fix bugs.?

For young entrepreneurs starting with their business plans, who are unable to afford to pay their workforce, ChatGPT is the most viable option out there. It gives perfect and fast accuracy, allowing customisation in seconds. ChatGPT is a 【【微信】】 personal tone of conversation that is incredibly user-friendly.

But every good thing has its drawbacks, and ChatGPT has some too. Unfortunately, it only gi【【微信】】21. This can be a big nuisance when wanting to re【【微信】】.?

ChatGPT gives near-lifelike solutions to specific problems, but since it is still learning and being de【【微信】】, the results can be expected to be limited. It can replace Google search one day, but users still face 【【微信】】, and there’s a long way to go for this to happen.

Copy.ai is an AI tool used for copywriting and marketing. If you ha【【微信】】, any product description or social media posts, this is a game-changer tool. It sa【【微信】】d is a worthwhile investment for you. The outputs that it generates are intuiti【【微信】】.

Enter what you have to Copywrite; a social post, a blog or whate【【微信】】’d like to write. Gi【【微信】】 how you’d like your article to be; about your product or business. Then choose from se【【微信】】I generates. Lastly, edit and polish some work to get an incredible piece of writing. This will lea【【微信】】mers impressed by your work and attract readers of all different tastes.

Copy.ai is fast, it’s efficient, and it generates high-【【微信】】. No worries if you’re facing a crushing writer’s block; just let Copy.AI do its work, and you just enjoy its stunning results.

No matter how amazing, though, it does ha【【微信】】: it may not be as creative and lacks the touch of a human writer. You need to edit and polish up the generated responses; thus, you must rely on yourself more than this tool.

IBM Watson, de【【微信】】 by IBM, is a cognitive computing tool to answer human-posed 【【微信】】l language; it analyses human speech for meaning and syntax. It performs predicti【【微信】】olves problems, and uses ad【【微信】】 help individuals and companies analyse and interpret complex data.

Since it was initially benignly de【【微信】】 in 2011, Watson is constantly evolving, and IBM is working on impro【【微信】】, making it one of the most ad【【微信】】 today.

Watson’s ability to analyse and interpret raw, unstructured data like text, images and e【【微信】】nd this data makes it an in【【微信】】esses (either large or small startups).

It gi【【微信】】tions, including customer service, predicti【【微信】】, personalised medicine, and fraud detection and pro【【微信】】ce and chatbots. In this way, it helps organisations to be more flexible and inno【【微信】】.

Character.ai is another AI chatbot that de【【微信】】onses, generating results con【【微信】】. It allows users to build realistic 3D characters in di【【微信】】ions, from video games to various animations.

Character.ai uses machine learning algorithms to generate realistic faces, bodies, the expressions and poses. It also allows users to tweak their character’s features, accessories, and clothes according to their 【【微信】】.

You can find many options regarding changing the character’s ethnicity, gender, and race. Character.AI is a powerful tool for graphic designers and animators to make up a character and bring it from their minds onto the computer screen.

However, it’【【微信】】 while AI-generated content can be helpful, it re【【微信】】ng to ensure accuracy and coherence. Additionally, there are ethical considerations around using AI-generated content, such as ensuring it doesn’t 【【微信】】 or misrepresent information.

There’s no doubt that cutting-edge AI technology sa【【微信】】. But it does have a few drawbacks: it lacks creati【【微信】】 of content written by a human writer. While AI algorithms can produce high-【【微信】】, they may not capture a human writer’s uni【【微信】】ve.

O【【微信】】, AI technology has the potential to transform our entire lives. 【【微信】】t were previously impossible or highly time-consuming to achieve. 【【微信】】nces, we can expect to see more AI-powered tools that impro【【微信】】ives and change how we approach problem-solving.

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