

毕业典礼上的细节描写作文600字 毕业典礼情景作文

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Hello, everyone, welcome to our graduation ceremony.

I am xxx the student in the programme of Medical Bioscience.

Firstly, I would like to thank graduation committee for gi【【微信】】unity, stand here and ha【【微信】】lf of all the students.

This is a really special time for us , we ha【【微信】】 time to get here and we finally done.

Anyway, we can all finally kick back and relax since we finally made it to graduation day although yesterday may be you were busy with your thesis and presentation. However, 【【微信】】oy yourself.

I am sure all of us ha【【微信】】h we hold close to our hearts and make us grin when we think of them.

A lot of things become 【【微信】】.

For me, at this moment, graduation recalls the memory of my study and life in the past two years. To be honest, I feel 【【微信】】ogramme. As an international student, studying here brings me lots of challenges, but, at the same time, I gain the precious experience. I ha【【微信】】. I have made good friends. Here, I would like to thank my great super【【微信】】iend---Susanne Hilke. From her, I learnt professional knowledge and techniques, 【【微信】】s I learn how to be a good female since she is a 【【微信】】 to have a good balance between the work and family. She is my idol. Besides, thanks a lot for the tutors of our programme, Eva, 【【微信】】lso Christina and my project super【【微信】】nd Lovisa and all the teachers, who are responsible for our courses. And my family, my dear mom, dad, my grandpa and grandma for my lo【【微信】】.

Well, graduation means one journey comes to an end, and a new one begins. Actually, it is the time to look at what the future has in store for each of us.

Shall we be successful? Shall we be unsuccessful? This success I am speaking of has nothing to do with money gains, of course, earning money is 【【微信】】yone, but the most important thing is are you truly happy? With your families, with your friends. I believe, 【【微信】】t you really want and try your best, finally you will make it!

Good luck to all of you on your future. Thank you for e【【微信】】lations!

Hello, everyone, welcome to our graduation ceremony.

I am the student in the programme of Medical Bioscience.

Firstly, I would like to thank graduation committee for gi【【微信】】unity, stand here and ha【【微信】】lf of all the students.

This is a really special time for us , we ha【【微信】】 time to get here and we finally done.

Anyway, we can all finally kick back and relax since we finally made it to graduation day although yesterday may be you were busy with your thesis and presentation. However, 【【微信】】oy yourself.

I am sure all of us ha【【微信】】h we hold close to our hearts and make us grin when we think of them.

A lot of things become 【【微信】】.

For me, at this moment, graduation recalls the memory of my study and life in the past two years. To be honest, I feel 【【微信】】ogramme. As an international student, studying here brings me lots of challenges, but, at the same time, I gain the precious experience. I ha【【微信】】. I have made good friends. Here, I would like to thank my great super【【微信】】iend---Susanne Hilke. From her, I learnt professional knowledge and techniques, 【【微信】】s I learn how to be a good female since she is a 【【微信】】 to have a good balance between the work and family. She is my idol. Besides, thanks a lot for the tutors of our programme, Eva, 【【微信】】lso Christina and my project super【【微信】】nd Lovisa and all the teachers, who are responsible for our courses. And my family, my dear mom, dad, my grandpa and grandma for my lo【【微信】】.

Well, graduation means one journey comes to an end, and a new one begins. Actually, it is the time to look at what the future has in store for each of us.

Shall we be successful? Shall we be unsuccessful? This success I am speaking of has nothing to do with money gains, of course, earning money is 【【微信】】yone, but the most important thing is are you truly happy? With your families, with your friends. I believe, 【【微信】】t you really want and try your best, finally you will make it!

Good luck to all of you on your future. Thank you for e【【微信】】lations!

Enjoy Yourself While Fulfilling Responsibility

In my 18 years of life, there ha【【微信】】. University days are the best part of them. I can ne【【微信】】 I stepped into my university. I was impressed by its garden-like campus, its enthusiastic students and especially its learning atmosphere. I at once fell in lo【【微信】】.

After the arduous military training, I get absolutely absorbed in my studies. The classes gi【【微信】】llent. They pro【【微信】】n not only from our textbooks but from many other sources as well. They easily arouse my insatiable desire to take in as much as I can.

Frankly speaking, at first I had some difficulty following the teachers. However, 【【微信】】nd thanks to my teachers' guidance, I made remarkable progress. Now I'【【微信】】ectures and many other academic reports.

Learning is a long process; I'll keep exploring in the treasure house of knowledge to enrich myself. This summer I got out of the i【【微信】】he real world. A publishing house offered me a part-time job in compilation and re【【微信】】.

My teachers and fellow students,

In a couple of weeks, we’ll say goodbye to our mother school.

How time flies! Now It’s really hard for me to put my feelings into words. The past three years has been really a wonderful journey with you guys, full of laughter and tears。

To make the journey safe and fruitful, our great teachers contributed their time, energy, lo【【微信】】.

Here, we are extremely grateful for all that you, dear teachers, ha【【微信】】,


It’ll soon be the time for us to depart, though unwillingly. But it is not the end.

It just means that we’re going to begin a new journey。

Finally, on behalf of all the graduates present here, let me extend our sincere wishes for our mother school and respectable teachers.

Thank you!



These has been an unforgetable three years of our lives. 【【微信】】t day that we came to the school, it is so 【【微信】】t just happened. Now we at the point to be apart from one another, I understand we are here to celebrate the graduation for our achie【【微信】】, however I can't help to feel sad at the same time because many of us will ha【【微信】】s to see each other anymore, we will no longer ha【【微信】】ere to lecture us about life and other things anymore. Ne【【微信】】, I congrate all of us to have successfully graduated from this school and wish all of us to ha【【微信】】e future.


My teachers and fellow students,

In a couple of weeks, we’ll say goodbye to our mother school. How time flies! Now It’s really hard for me to put my feelings into words. The past three years has been really a wonderful journey with you guys, full of laughter and tears。

To make the journey safe and fruitful, our great teachers contributed their time, energy, lo【【微信】】. Here, we are extremely grateful for all that you, dear teachers, ha【【微信】】,

It’ll soon be the time for us to depart, though unwillingly. But it is not the end. It just means that we’re going to begin a new journey。

Finally, on behalf of all the graduates present here, let me extend our sincere wishes for our mother school and respectable teachers. Thank you!


Good morning,my dear teachers and schoolmates,

It’s a great honor for me to make a speech on behalf of the graduating classes.

How time flies! Our junior high school li【【微信】】.

In the past three years, we’【【微信】】l and it provides us with a good study place. Teachers are our friends. They’【【微信】】 lessons and we all love them.

We’【【微信】】m, not only knowledge but also the way to sol【【微信】】. Thanks for our teachers’ training, parents’ support and the help from classmates. Without them, we couldn’t ha【【微信】】e.

At last, we hope our school will become better, our teachers will be healthy for e【【微信】】ll come true.

Thank you for listening.

Enjoy Yourself While Fulfilling Responsibility.

In my 18 years of life, there ha【【微信】】. University days are the best part of them. I can ne【【微信】】 I stepped into my university. I was impressed by its garden-like campus, its enthusiastic students and especially its learning atmosphere. I at once fell in lo【【微信】】.

After the arduous military training, I get absolutely absorbed in my studies. The classes gi【【微信】】llent. They pro【【微信】】n not only from our textbooks but from many other sources as well. They easily arouse my insatiable desire to take in as much as I can.

Frankly speaking, at first I had some difficulty following the teachers. However, 【【微信】】nd thanks to my teachers guidance, I made remarkable progress. Now I【【微信】】ectures and many other academic reports.

Learning is a long process; Ill keep exploring in the treasure house of knowledge to enrich myself. This summer I got out of the i【【微信】】he real world. A publishing house offered me a part-time job in compilation and re【【微信】】.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, my dear teachers and fellow graduates,

It is a great honor for me to make a speech on behalf of the graduating class of 20xx.

It has been three great years for us to study in this beautiful school. Our teachers always try to make their lessons li【【微信】】. We have learned a lot over these years, but we could hardly succeed without our teachers effort, our parents support, and our classmates help. At this moment, Id like to thank all of you for what you ha【【微信】】.

There are many memorable things, I ha【【微信】】morable things, that is my primary school graduation party. Although it is a party, but we are held during the day, may be called “white”.

“The day before the white”, we are ready to do the work, prepared a cake, tea, sound...... There are many wonderful programs. The night before, I cant sleep a night, excitedly waiting for the arrival of“white”.

【【微信】】, I went to school early. To the classroom, I saw the classroom four corners of asound and the walls are connected with lights, window adhesi【【微信】】......

When all the students came to the classroom, the teacher in charge announced the graduation party officially began. Some students take the curtains closed, lights are open, as in the balloon is more beautiful in the classroom, sound floated out of the soft songs. I drink a cup of milk tea, 【【微信】】udents performances. Ha【【微信】】f the blackboard, with white lightappeared in the students who, like in a concert. The classmates performance is 【【微信】】rful,suddenly the lights, “bang” sound. I dont know what was happening at the time, until you feel a littlepaper shredder body, I know just the students put pieces of fireworks.

“White” slowly is close to the end, the students sang Li Shutongs “farewell” “pa【【微信】】, the trail edgegra

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