

ChatGPT能代替什么工作 chatgpt 最可能被替代的职业

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Here’s why that is no bad thing


After decades of blue-collar jobs being snatched up by machines, ad【【微信】】 breathing down white collars. “Generative” 【【微信】】 (ai) tools, such as ChatGPT, ha【【微信】】gress in crafting human-sounding language and grasping context. So much so that they ha【【微信】】n some tasks. This could make as many as 300m jobs redundant globally, according to Goldman Sachs, a bank.

经过几十年的蓝领工作被机器夺走后,先进的聊天机器人现在正在威胁到白领。像ChatGPT这样的“生成式”人工智能(AI)工具,在塑造类似于人类语言和理解上已经取得了重大进展。以至于它们在某些任务中已经超越了人类。根据高盛银行(Goldman Sachs)的说法,这可能会使全球多达3亿个就业岗位变得多余。

A recent study by OpenAI, the startup that created ChatGPT, looked at the potential for automation across 1,016 occupations. Humans and AI separately rated how well software powered by large-language models (llms), which are trained on 【【微信】】net and then fine-tuned to specific functions, could undertake 19,000 tasks in【【微信】】. 创建ChatGPT的初创公司OpenAI最近的一项研究研究了1,016个职业的自动化潜力。人类和人工智能分别评估了由大型语言模型(llms)驱动的软件的性能,这些软件在互联网上进行了大量训练,然后根据特定功能进行了微调,可以承担19000项工作中涉及的任务。

If the software, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4, was deemed able to reduce the time it takes humans to complete the task by at least half, without a drop in 【【微信】】, the task was considered ripe for AI replacement (a score of one meant that the whole occupation could be done in half the time).


For other tasks the annotators imagined additional software that could be added to the model, such as computer tools that can automatically pull fresh data from the internet. They found that 80% of Americans could ha【【微信】】% of their work tasks done by advanced AI tools.


The figure rises to 50% of tasks for an estimated 19% of workers.


Most exposed are industries which rely on programming and writing skills.


That echoes another study, published on March 1st by academics in America, which found that the industries most at risk of a shake-up were legal ser【【微信】】he financial and insurance industries.


They point to telemarketers as the occupation most likely to be made redundant. Teachers, especially those of languages, literature and history, are next on the list.


What is striking in both studies is that, unlike past breakthroughs in machine learning, it is skilled and high-paying jobs that are most exposed.


This automation should not be feared. It could unshackle workers from mundane tasks and unleash greater labour productivity, 【【微信】】um-tight labour markets in ad【【微信】】. A study by Goldman Sachs, published on April 5th, suggests that generati【【微信】】dp by 7% in the next decade.

这种自动化不应该被害怕。它可以使工人摆脱单调的任务,释放更大的劳动生产力,这对于先进经济体中紧缩的劳动力市场将是一个福音。高盛4月5日发布的一项研究表明,生成式人工智能在未来十年内可能会增加全球GDP 7%。

【【微信】】y overstate the potential for automation. The annotators responsible for mapping o【【微信】】d human capabilities may omit some tacit skills in professions they know less about. Human 【【微信】】r some jobs, such as empathy or charisma, will be o【【微信】】.

但像这样的研究可能夸大了自动化的潜力。负责映射llms和人类能力之间重叠的注释者可能会忽略一些他们不太了解的职业中的隐性技能。 对某些工作至关重要的人类品质,如同情心或魅力,将被忽视。

And not all tasks capable of being carried out by AI should be: 【【微信】】 in Tennessee had to apologise for using ChatGPT to write a condolence email to students after a shooting at another American uni【【微信】】.


Many businesses may also lack the IT architecture or inclination to accommodate AI inno【【微信】】. And those who embrace it will face practical and legal 【【微信】】. When chatbots do not know what to say, they often fib (though so can humans).


The “creative” 【【微信】】 based on a mashup of data sourced from the internet, raising thorny issues around accuracy, pri【【微信】】roperty. For all their con【【微信】】, in the real world, AI tools will still need handlers. That may e【【微信】】obs.






