


互联资讯 0

Researchers from Niigata Uni【【微信】】ctural University ha【【微信】】les, around 100 nm in size, released by intestinal bacteria induce immune acti【【微信】】 of li【【微信】】, as well as reduction of serum albumin level, 【【微信】】o edema and ascites.

19 Apr 2023

Hepatitis C and hepatitis B 【【微信】】 liver, e【【微信】】ly cirrhosis or cancer. But while anti【【微信】】nt of HCV infections, its cousin HB【【微信】】ive therapeutics.

13 Apr 2023

Excessi【【微信】】 leads to painful hangovers and accompanying headaches, fatigue, and nausea.

11 Apr 2023

A recently de【【微信】】ound successfully treats nonalcoholic fatty li【【微信】】n primates -; bringing scientists one step closer to the first human treatment for the condition that is rapidly increasing around the world, a study suggests.

10 Apr 2023

A new study by Cedars-Sinai in【【微信】】 how ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot, may help impro【【微信】】atients with cirrhosis and li【【微信】】 easy-to-understand information about basic knowledge, lifestyle and treatments for these conditions.

7 Apr 2023

SARS-CoV-2, 【【微信】】VID-19, attaches to a cellular receptor called angiotensin-con【【微信】】 (ACE2), and activation of the farnesoid X receptor increases ACE2 expression.

5 Apr 2023

Right now, more than 100,000 people in the U.S. - nearly two times the population of Harrisburg - are waiting for organ transplants.

5 Apr 2023

FUJIFILM Healthcare Corporation is set to release the ARIETTA 750 DeepInsight ultrasound system C a new AI-powered?diagnostic ultrasound system with superior image 【【微信】】.

From FUJIFILM Corporation 4 Apr 2023

A new study by Cedars-Sinai in【【微信】】 how ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot, may help impro【【微信】】atients with cirrhosis and li【【微信】】 easy-to-understand information about basic knowledge, lifestyle and treatments for these conditions.

31 Mar 2023

More than half of patients who suffer from chronic hepatitis B ha【【微信】】 (HBeAg)-negative form of the disease.

30 Mar 2023

Researchers from Kyushu Uni【【微信】】 single mechanosensitive protein induces the process that thickens and scars tissue, known as fibrosis. The protein, called VGLL3, 【【微信】】 to fibrosis in multiple organs.

22 Mar 2023

The AIDS Clinical Trials Group, the world's largest HI【【微信】】, is announcing the publication of "Perspecti【【微信】】e ACTG 5360 MINMON Trial: A Minimum Monitoring Approach with 12 Weeks of Sofosbuvir/【【微信】】 Hepatitis C Treatment" in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.

21 Mar 2023

In 2020, bule【【微信】】 (BLV) was conditionally approved for treating chronic hepatitis delta (CHD), an inflammation of the li【【微信】】 D virus (HDV).

20 Mar 2023

Researchers discuss the association between human mycobiota and female health.

15 Mar 2023

New research from the Uni【【微信】】ool of Medicine has established a link between western diets high in fat and sugar and the de【【微信】】olic fatty liver disease, the leading cause of chronic liver disease.

15 Mar 2023

The influenza season marks the beginning of a time of illness, sometimes serious or e【【微信】】, in much of the world. For this reason, flu shots are recommended, especially for indi【【微信】】g diseases such as chronic hepatitis B (CHB) infection, since they are at higher risk for ad【【微信】】.

6 Mar 2023

The overall responsi【【微信】】ronic liver disease (CLD) to CO【【微信】】n shown to be decreased in patients with cirrhosis.

2 Mar 2023

chatgpt如何高效使用 ChatGPT的使用场景






继续拆解 一.智能对话机器人-电商购物助手

1.商品信息查询: 电商购物助手可以帮助用户查询商品的详细信息,如价格、规格、成分、产地等。用户只需提出需求,购物助手便能快速检索并提供相关信息。

2.价格比较: 电商购物助手可以在多个电商平台上进行价格比较,帮助用户找到最具性价比的商品。通过分析各个平台的价格数据,购物助手可以为用户提供实时的价格建议,使用户在购物时做出明智的决策。

3.优惠券查找: 电商购物助手可以自动查找并匹配适用于用户购物需求的优惠券。购物助手可以在各大电商平台上寻找最优惠的折扣券、满减券等,为用户节省购物成本。

4.商品推荐: 电商购物助手可以根据用户的购物历史和喜好,为用户推荐合适的商品。通过分析用户的购物行为数据,购物助手能够更好地了解用户的需求,从而推送更符合用户口味的商品。

5.购物车管理: 电商购物助手可以帮助用户管理购物车,如添加、删除、修改商品数量等。用户可以通过购物助手轻松地调整购物车中的商品,以满足自己的购物需求。

6.评价分析: 电商购物助手可以自动分析商品评价,帮助用户了解商品的真实品质和购买者的反馈。购物助手可以对评价内容进行情感分析、关键词提取等处理,为用户提供更直观、更可靠的评价信息。

7.售后服务协助: 电商购物助手可以协助用户处理售后问题,如退换货、退款、维修等。用户可以通过购物助手提交售后申请,购物助手将协助用户与商家沟通,确保用户的权益得到保障。

8.物流查询: 电商购物助手可以帮助用户查询物流信息,如快递单号、运送状态、预计到达时间等。用户只需告诉购物助手相关信息,购物助手便能快速查询并提供物流动态。


10.购物清单管理: 电商购物助手可以帮助用户管理购物清单,用户可以将心仪的商品添加到清单中,并在购物过程中进行查看和修改。购物助手可以根据清单中的商品提醒用户促销活动,确保用户不会错过任何优惠。

11.智能预测与提醒: 电商购物助手可以根据用户的购物习惯和需求进行智能预测。例如,购物助手可以预测用户何时需要补充日用品,并提前发送提醒。此外,购物助手还可以根据市场趋势和用户喜好,提醒用户关注新品和热门商品。

12.购物安全保障: 电商购物助手可以帮助用户识别虚假商品和不良商家,确保用户在购物过程中的安全。购物助手可以分析商品信息、评价数据、商家信誉等多方面因素,为用户提供可靠的购物建议。

