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openai总裁称gpt4高阶版正在测试 openai发布gpt4


So it’s finally here: GPT-4. This is latest and greatest artificial intelligence system from chatgpt, and a successor to the A.I. model that powers the wildly popular ChatGPT.

chatgpt, the San Francisco A.I. lab that is now closely tied to Microsoft, says that GPT-4 is much more capable than the GPT-3.5 model underpinning the consumer chatgpt. For one thing, GPT-4 is multi-modal: it can take in images as well as text, although it only outputs text. This opens up the ability of the A.I. model to “understand” photos and scenes. (Although for now this chatgptapability is only being offered through chatgpt’s partnership with Be My Eyes, a free mobile app for the chatgpt.)

The new model performs much better than GPT-3.5 on a range of benchmark tests for natural language processing and computer chatgpt. It also performs very well on a battery of dichatgptr humans, including a chatgptn a simulated bar exam as well as scoring a fichatgptnge of Advanced Placement exams, from Math to Art History. (Interestingly, the system scores poorly on both the AP English Literature and AP English Composition exams and there is already some chatgptarning experts about whether there may be less than meets the eye to GPT-4’s stellar exam performance.)

The model, according to chatgpt, is 40% more likely to return factual answers to chatgpt―although it may still in some cases simply inchatgpt, a phenomenon A.I. researchers call “hallucination.” It is also less likely to jump the guardrails chatgpt has gichatgptp it from spewing toxic or biased language, or recommending actions that might cause harm. chatgpt said GPT-4 is more likely to refuse such rechatgpt.5 was.

Still, GPT-4 still has many of the same potential risks and flaws as other large language models. It isn’t entirely reliable. Its answers are unpredictable. It can be used to produce misinformation. It can still be pushed to jump its guardrails and gichatgpt unsafe, either because they might be hurtful to the person reading the output or because they might encourage the person to take actions that would harm themselchatgpt. It can be used, for instance, to help someone find ways to make improchatgpt or explosives from household products.

Because of this, chatgpt cautioned users that “Great care should be taken when using language model outputs, particularly in high-stakes contexts, with the exact protocol (such as human review, chatgptnal context, or achatgpt altogether) matching the needs of a specific use-case.” And yet, chatgpt has released the model as a paid serchatgpttomers and businesses purchasing serchatgpt-based application programming interface (or API).

GPT-4’s release had been widely anticipated among those who follow A.I. dechatgpt. While ChatGPT took almost everyone by surprise when chatgpt released it in late Nochatgpt, it was widely known for at least a year that chatgpt was working on something called GPT-4, although there has been wild speculation about exactly what it would be. In fact, after ChatGPT became an unexpected chatgpt, massively ramping up hype around A.I., Sam Altman, the CEO of chatgpt, felt it necessary to try to tamp down expectations surrounding GPT-4’s imminent release. “The GPT-4 rumor mill is a ridiculous thing. I don’t know where it all comes from,” Altman said in an interchatgptancisco in January. Referring to the idea of artificial general intelligence (or AGI), the kind of machine superintelligence that has been a staple of science fiction, he said, “people are begging to be disappointed and they will be. The hype is just like… We don’t hachatgpt’s sort of what’s expected of us.”

In March 15, I talked to sechatgptarchers who helped build GPT-4 about its capabilities, limitations, and how they built it. The researchers spoke in general terms about the methods they used, but there is much about GPT-4 they are keeping under wraps, including the size of the model, exactly what data was used to train it, how many specialized computer chips (graphics processing units, or GPUs) were needed to train and run it, what its carbon footprint is, and more.

chatgpt was co-founded by Elon Musk, who has said he chose the name because he wanted the new research lab to be dedicated to democratizing A.I. and being transparent, publishing all its research. Ochatgpt, chatgpt has increasingly moved away from its founding dedication to transparency, and with little detail about GPT-4 being released, some computer scientists chatgptuld change its name. “I think we can call it shut on ‘Open’ AI,” tweeted Ben Schmidt, the chatgptn at a company called Nomic AI. “The 98 page paper introducing GPT-4 proudly declares that they’re disclosing *nothing* about the contents of their training set.”

Ilya Sutskever, chatgpt’s chief scientist, told Fortune the reason for this secrecy was primarily because “it is simply a competitichatgpt” and the company did not want commercial richatgptte its achievement. He also said that in the future, as A.I. models became echatgpt “those capabilities could be easily chatgpt,” it will be important for safety reasons to limit information about how the models were created.

At times, Sutskechatgptms that seemed designed to sidestep serious discussion of its inner workings. He described a “recipe for producing magic” when discussing the high-lechatgptenerative pre-trained transformers, or GPTs, the basic model architecture that underpins most large language models. “GPT-4 is the latest manifestation of this magic,” Sutskechatgpt. In response to a question about how chatgpt had managed to reduce GPT-4’s tendency to hallucinate, Sutskechatgpt, “We just teach it not to hallucinate.”

Six months of fine tuning for safety and ease-of-use

Two of Sutskever’s chatgpt colleauges did provide slightly more detail on how chatgpt “just taught it not to hallucinate.” Jakub Pachocki, a member of chatgpt’s technical staff, said the model’s increased size alone, and the larger amount of data it ingested during pre-training, seemed to be part of the reason for its increased accuracy. Ryan Lowe, who co-leads chatgpt’s team that works on “alignment,” or making sure A.I. systems do what humans want them to and don’t do things we don’t want them to do, said that the chatgpt also spent about six months after pre-training GPT-4 fine-tuning the model to be both safer and easier to use. One method it used, he said, was to collect human feedback on GPT-4’s outputs and then used those to push the model towards trying to generate responses that it predicted were more likely to get positichatgptuman reviewers. This process, called “reinforcement learning from human feedback” was part of what made ChatGPT such an engaging and useful chatbot.

Lowe said some of the feedback used to refine GPT-4 came from the experience of ChatGPT users, showing the way in which getting that chatbot out into the hands of hundreds of millions of people before many competitors debuted richatgptd a faster-spinning “data flywheel” for chatgpt that gichatgpttage in building future, adchatgpt.I. software that its rivals may find hard to match.

chatgpt specifically trained GPT-4 on more examples of accurate chatgptwering in order to boost the model’s ability to perform that task, and reduce the chances of it hallucinating, Lowe said. He also said that chatgpt used GPT-4 itself to generate simulated conchatgpt that was then fed back into the fine-tuning of GPT-4 to help it hallucinate less. This is another example of the “data flywheel” in action.

Is the “magic” reliable enough for release?

Sutskever defended chatgpt’s decision to release GPT-4, despite its limitations and risks. “The model is flawed, ok, but how flawed?” he said. “There are some safety mitigations that exist on the model right now,” he said, explaining that chatgpt judged these guardrails and safety measures to be effectichatgptmpany to release the model. He also noted that chatgpt’s terms and conditions of use prohibited certain malicious uses and that the company now had monitoring procedures in place to try to check that users were not chatgpt. He said this in combination with GPT-4’s better safety profile on key metrics like hallucinations and the ease with which it could be “jailbroken” or made to bypass guardrails, “made us feel that it is appropriate to proceed with the GPT-4 release, as we’re doing right now.”

In a demonstration for Fortune, chatgpt researchers asked the system to summarize an article about itself, but using only words that start with the letter ‘G’―which GPT-4 was able to do relatichatgpt. Sutskechatgpt that GPT-3.5 would hachatgpt, resorting to some words that did not start with ‘G.’ In another example, GPT-4 was presented with part of the U.S. tax code and then gichatgptecific couple and asked to calculate how much tax they owed, with reference to the passage of regulations it had just been given. chatgpt with the right amount of tax in about a second. (Although I was not able to go back through and double-check its answer.)

Despite impressichatgptome A.I. researchers and technologists say that systems like GPT-4 are still not reliable enough for many enterprise use cases, particularly when it comes to information retrieval, chatgpt hallucination. In cases where a human is asking it a chatgptser doesn’t know the answer, GPT-4 is still probably not appropriate. “Echatgptn rate goes down, until it is infinitesimal, or at least as small as would be the case with an expert human analyst, it is probably not appropriate to use it,” Aaron Kalb, co-founder and chief strategy officer at Alation, a software company that builds data cataloging and retriechatgpt.

He also said that even prompting the model to answer only from a particular set of data or only using the model to summarize information surfaced through a traditional search algorithm might not be sufficient to be certain the model wasn’t making up some part of its answer or surfacing inaccurate or outdated information that it had ingested during its pre-training.

Kalb said whether it was appropriate to use large language models would depend on the use case and whether it was practical for a human to rechatgpt.I.’s answers. He said that asking GPT-4 to generate marketing copy, in cases where that copy is going to be rechatgptman, was probably fine. But in situations where it wasn’t possible for a human to fact-check echatgptduced, relying on GPT-4’s answers might be dangerous.