

Why did we need custom hardware,and why does it scan the iris?

互联资讯 0



Given the scope of Worldcoin’s mission, we approach e【【微信】】ounding principles based on privacy, 【【微信】】.


That’s why we remain committed to open sourcing as much of the technology we create and use as possible. We also want to enable others to develop, 【【微信】】ar devices that integrate with the World ID protocol, with the ultimate goal of fully decentralizing e【【微信】】.

这就是为什么我们一直致力于尽可能开源我们创建和使用的技术。我们也希望能够让其他人开发、构建和运营与World ID协议集成的类似设备,从而最终实现项目的完全去中心化。

The intention of this post is to share specific, substanti【【微信】】dware we’re building. After three years of R&D, we’re excited to showcase the Orb, explain at a high le【【微信】】 corresponding hardware 【【淘密令】】 files. We see this as an important step on our journey to making our commitment to transparency more credible to the global community.


O【【微信】】, we’ll publish more articles explaining other parts of the Orb and the sign-up flow.


When Worldcoin started, we didn’t intend to de【【微信】】, let alone one built for biometric imaging.


Building custom hardware is difficult and expensive, 【【微信】】f they can avoid it.


Instead, our goal was to freely distribute a new digital token to e【【微信】】 way to help them access and participate in the global economy.


It was only after concluding that biometrics are the sole realistic way of achie【【微信】】 out to create the Orb.


Learn more about the inclusi【【微信】】hy Worldcoin uses them here.


As we explored many different ways to sol【【微信】】 prove unique personhood, our research showed that iris scanning offers the most accurate biometrics with an acceptable user experience that has been successfully tested at scale.


This is because the iris has strong fraud resistance and data richness, meaning it can be used to accurately differentiate between billions of uni【【微信】】.


The more data rich the biometric marker (e.g., the iris), the fairer and more inclusi【【微信】】.


Importantly, false rejections are not constant but increase with scale.


【【微信】】, most systems hit a wall and do not allow anyone new to join.


【【微信】】g technologies with less data richness like FaceID would only be able to accommodate a few million people.


Since commercially a【【微信】】evices did not meet our technology or security needs, we spent years de【【微信】】le universal access to the global economy in the most inclusi【【微信】】.


As a first step towards open sourcing the Orb, we’re releasing all relevant, 【【微信】】neering files for its current 【【微信】】ry.


You can download Eagle (PCBs) to 【【微信】】todesk’s CAD 【【微信】】.


Feedback for design impro【【微信】】ighly encouraged.


We’re aware that, by de【【微信】】, we’re advancing state-of-the-art iris biometrics.


That’s why all files are published under a license that’s based on the MIT license but prohibits the use of the licensed materials for sur【【微信】】s as well as any other applications that could be harmful to the rights of indi【【微信】】.


The remainder of the article will go through a teardown of the Orb, with a few 【【淘密令】】 anecdotes included.


Three years of R&D, including one year of small-scale field testing and one year of transition to manufacturing at scale, ha【【微信】】sion of the Orb.


Today’s Orb represents a precise balance of de【【微信】】, compactness, user experience, cost and at-scale production with minimal compromise being made on imaging 【【微信】】.


There will likely be future 【【微信】】ized even further.


However, 【【微信】】resents a key milestone that allows us to increase the number of Orbs in the field.


We’ll now take you through some of the most important 【【淘密令】】 details of the Orb, as well as how the imaging system works.


For security purposes, we will only explicitly lea【【微信】】 mechanisms that are meant to catch intrusion attempts.


Fig. 1Orb underneath the shell外壳下的OrbThe Orb consists of two hemispheres separated by the mainboard which is tilted at 23.5°―the angle of the rotational axis of the earth.Orb由两个半球组成,由主板分隔,主板倾斜23.5度――地球的旋转轴的角度。The mainboard holds a powerful computing unit to enable local processing for maximum privacy.主板持有一个强大的计算单元,以实现本地处理,从而实现最大程度的隐私保护。The frontal half of the Orb is dedicated to the sealed optical system.Orb的前半部分专门用于密封的光学系统。The optical system consists of se【【微信】】nsors to verify liveness and a 2D gimbal-enabled narrow field of 【【微信】】igh resolution iris images.光学系统由多个多光谱传感器组成,用于验证活体,并且有一个2D万向节启用的窄视场相机,用于捕获高分辨率的虹膜图像。The other hemisphere is dedicated to the cooling system as well as speakers.另一个半球专门用于冷却系统以及扬声器。An exchangeable battery can be inserted from the bottom to enable uninterrupted operation in a mobile setting.可以从底部插入可更换电池,以实现在移动环境中的不间断运行。

When remo【【微信】】, the mainboard, optical system and cooling system become visible.


Most of the optical system is hidden in an enclosure that, together with the shell, forms a dust- and water-resistant en【【微信】】g-term use even in challenging en【【微信】】.


What you see is a de【【微信】】ed through multiple prototype and design for manufacturing (DFM) iterations.


Once the shell is removed, 【【微信】】to four core parts:


Front: The optical system


Middle: The mainboard separates the de【【微信】】es (note: its inclination is exactly 23.5°, e【【微信】】ation of the rotational axis of the earth)


Back: The main computing unit as well as the acti【【微信】】


Bottom: An exchangeable battery


Explosion CAD of all rele【【微信】】ousing material removed (e.g. the dust-proof enclosure of the optical system), all rele【【微信】】rb become visible.清晰展示所有关键部件的爆炸CAD图移除外壳材料(例如光学系统的防尘外壳),Orb的所有关键部件都变得可见。This includes the custom lens, which is optimized for both near infrared imaging and fast, durable autofocus.这包括定制镜头,它针对近红外成像和快速、耐用的自动对焦进行了优化。The front of the optical system is sealed by an optical filter to keep dust out and minimize noise from the 【【微信】】imize image quality.光学系统的前部由一个光学滤镜密封,以防止灰尘进入并最小化可见光谱噪声,以优化图像质量。In the back, a plastic component in the otherwise chrome shell allows for optimized antenna placement.在背部,除铬质外壳外的塑料组件可实现天线的优化放置。The chrome shell is co【【微信】】 avoid deterioration of the coating o【【微信】】.铬质外壳由透明外壳覆盖,以避免随着时间的推移涂层的恶化。

We field tested our first prototypes outside the lab as early as possible. Naturally, this taught us many lessons, including:


With the first prototype, the signup experience was notoriously difficult. O【【微信】】e upgraded the optical system with autofocus and eye tracking such that alignment becomes tri【【微信】】ithin an arm's length of the Orb.


No battery we tried would last for a full day on a single charge. So we built a custom exchangeable battery based on 18650 Li-Ion cells―the same form factor as the cells used in a Tesla Model S.

我们试过的所有电池都无法在单次充电中持续一整天。因此,我们构建了一个基于18650锂离子电池的定制可更换电池,该电池的形状与Tesla Model S中使用的电池相同。

The battery consists of 8 cells with 3.7【【微信】】2P configuration (14.8V) 【【微信】】 to 100Wh, which is a limit imposed by regulations related to logistics.


Now there’s no limit to Orb uptime.


Custom exchangeable batteryThe Orb’s custom battery is made of Li-Ion 18650 cells (the same cells used in many electric cars).Orb的定制电池采用Li-Ion 18650电池单元(许多电动汽车中使用的相同电池单元)。With close to 100Wh, the capacity is optimized for battery lifetime while complying with transportation regulations.容量接近100Wh,经过优化以延长电池寿命并遵守运输法规。A USB-C connector makes recharging con【【微信】】.USB-C连接器使充电变得方便。

The coating of the shell sometimes deteriorated in the handheld use case. Therefore, we added a 2mm clear shell to both optimize 【【微信】】 chrome coating from scratches and other wear.


To make the user experience more intuitive, especially in loud en【【微信】】 where a person might not be able to hear sound feedback, we added an LED ring to help guide people through the sign-up process.


Similarly, we exposed status LEDs next to the only button on the Orb to indicate its current state.


Our early field tests taught us that the 【【微信】】eeded to be even simpler than we had anticipated.


【【微信】】, we first experimented with many approaches.


These approaches featured mirrors that allowed people to use their reflection to align with the Orbs imaging system.


However, 【【微信】】 in the lab quickly broke down in the real world.


We ended up building a two-camera system.


This system featured a wide angle camera and a telephoto camera.


The cameras had an adjustable ~5° field of 【【微信】】al.


This increased the spatial 【【微信】】 can be successfully completed.


【【微信】】ral orders of magnitude.


For e

spring framework

ChatGPT 是由 OpenAI 开发的强大语言模型,可以用于生成类似人类的文本。OpenAI API 允许开发人员访问该模型并在其自己的应用程序中使用。在本文中,我们将讨论如何使用 Ja【【微信】】 与 OpenAI API 生成图像。

在开始之前,您需要在 OpenAI 网站 &#【【网址】】/account/api-keys" 上注册 API 密钥。一旦拥有了 API 密钥,就可以开始向 API 发送请求。

要使用 Ja【【微信】】 与 OpenAI API,请使用可以处理 HTTP 请求的库。这方面比较常用的库是 Spring RestTemplate 库。RestTemplate 是一种强大而灵活的库,可以轻松地发送 HTTP 请求并处理响应。

首先,需要将 Spring RestTemplate 库添加到项目中。可以将以下依赖项添加到 build.【【微信】】 文件:

接下来,创建一个处理 API 调用的类。可以使用下面的示例:

这个类使用 Spring RestTemplate 库向?OpenAI API 的生成图像端点发送 POST 请求,包含给定的提示词和想要接收的图像数量。如果需要,还可以增加一些其他可选参数,可以在下面的链接中检查:【【网址】】/docs/api-reference/images/create。

API 密钥已添加到请求头中,并以 JSON 的形式发送请求。然后解析响应以返回生成的图像 URL。

现在,可以在代码中使用此类来使用 ChatGPT 生成图像。以下是如何在 Spring 控制器中使用?*generateImages*?方法的示例。

上面的代码是 Spring REST 控制器的示例,它使用请求正文中传递的参数调用 OpenAi 类中的 generateImages 方法。它将 POST 请求映射到?/generateImages 终点,并将生成的图像作为响应返回。

还可以为请求正文定义一个 POJO 类,例如:

值得注意的是,生成的图像可能不完美,可能需要进一步审查和调整。我们已向模型添加了许多参数,但在向服务器发送 post 请求时,OpenAI 实用程序类中并未使用它们。这是因为这些参数大多是可选的,有些甚至对于生成图像的端点(endpoint)无效。但是,对于其他端点,如“文本完成”等,这些是有效的。

测试 API 的时间到了

现在,我们已经准备好端点,可以启动服务器并使用以下 URL 从 Postman 或任何其他 API 测试工具发出 POST 请求。


这是我的 API 测试截图和响应:

可以看到具有 prompt 和 n 值的 Json 请求正文。n=3 表示我们将收到 5 张生成的图像作为响应。我们确实收到与刚刚发送的提示文本相关的 3 个图像 URL。

现在可以复制这些 URL 并将它们粘贴到浏览器中以查看实际图像。

图像生成使用 DALL・E 模型。有许多其他模型可供使用,根据要求进行选择。不仅可以生成图像,还可以操纵它们。可以都尝试一下,看看哪个最合心意。使用下面的链接获取所有可用模型:【【网址】】/v1/【【微信】】(将你的 API 密钥作为 Bearer 令牌添加)。